Brand Pandas

Hey!👋 Looking for an SEO Agency in Birmingham?

We offer a range of SEO services in Birmingham and the surrounding areas, covering everything from creative to technical sides of SEO.

seo services in birmingham
seo services birmingham b3

Affordable SEO Services in Birmingham.

The truth is, SEO doesn’t have to be an expensive investment in order to yield great results. While there’s a range of SEO services Birmingham, we like to think we have a little something for all budgets! 👍 

seo colmore row birmingham
seo services in birmingham
seo services in birmingham

About Us.

We’re a British/Filipino couple working locally and remotely – depending on where the climate is more favourable, or the nature of the project in hand. 

Also, Curt used to provide SEO services at a leading marketing agency on Colmore Row, in the heart of Birmingham city.

SEO Services In Birmingham.

Our SEO Packages are tailored to your budget and goals, and can be carried out as a one off project, or monthly retainer. Packages include a combination of the following SEO services:

Choosing the Right SEO Keywords for Businesses in Birmingham

When we’re selecting keywords for our Brand Pandas website, it’s crucial to consider what potential customers might search for at different stages of their SEO journey. Keywords like “SEO agency in Birmingham” or “SEO Birmingham” are specific and directly related to our service area. However, understanding the semantics behind different searches is equally important.

For instance, a search for “affordable SEO Birmingham” likely indicates a focus on value for money, possibly from new businesses or those new to SEO. Conversely, searches for “technical SEO services in Birmingham” or “Birmingham backlink services” suggest a need for specialised services, possibly from businesses familiar with SEO. Tailoring our content to these nuances makes our website more relevant to various search queries, attracting a broader range of businesses with diverse budgets.

Local SEO Benefits For Birmingham Companies

Birmingham is a bustling city with a large number of small businesses. With over 10,000 small businesses operating in the area, there’s significant potential for B2B interactions. The city’s strategic location, close to major towns like Solihull and Coventry, ensures a steady footfall, especially during weekends and events. Proximity to larger cities and direct access via the M6 and M42 motorways further enhances business prospects and local SEO. Birmingham’s business parks, such as Colmore Business District and Aston Business Park, are economic activity hubs, fostering a thriving environment for local enterprises. For B2B companies, leveraging SEO can significantly expand their reach and attract clients from surrounding regions, enhancing their market presence.

For businesses in areas like Moseley and Harborne, local SEO should emphasise unique selling points, such as vibrant community life and easy access to Birmingham’s central attractions. Highlighting proximity to well-known landmarks or popular routes can enhance visibility in local search results. Local SEO helps your business appear in search results when potential customers in Birmingham and nearby areas look for products or services you offer. For example, people might search for “best hair salon in Birmingham” or “cosy café near Cannon Hill Park.” Each search reveals different user intents, and optimizing for these terms helps you connect with your target audience.

Why Local SEO is Crucial for Companies in Birmingham

Focusing on local SEO enables your business to connect better with customers actively searching for services in Birmingham. Effective local SEO strategies can significantly improve your search rankings, making it easier for potential customers in Birmingham to find your business. Whether you run a hair salon, café, or any other local business, leveraging local SEO can drive more traffic to your website and increase footfall to your physical location.

For B2B businesses, SEO is a powerful tool to reach a wider audience and establish connections with other businesses in the region. By optimising your content with relevant keywords and highlighting your proximity to popular areas and business parks, you can attract more local customers and grow your business effectively.

Our SEO services in Birmingham are designed to help local businesses thrive by improving their online visibility and attracting more customers. We understand Birmingham’s unique market dynamics and can tailor our strategies to meet your business’s specific needs. By working with us, you can benefit from our expertise and take your business to the next level. Contact us today to learn more about how our SEO services in Birmingham can help your business succeed.

What SEO Tools Do You Use?

Providing professional SEO Services requires professional SEO tools.

For things like competitor and keyword research, and backlink audits, we use SEMRush, Ahrefs and Neil Patel.

Then for Technical SEO we mostly use Screaming Frog.


seo audit service birmingham

SEO Audits

Jumpstart your SEO journey with our affordable SEO audits in Birmingham. These audits provide a thorough understanding of the obstacles hindering your website's performance. By identifying technical issues and content gaps, we offer actionable insights to boost your search engine visibility and overall online presence. Our audits are tailored to address specific challenges and opportunities for Birmingham businesses, ensuring you get the most relevant advice.

seo agency birmingham

SEO Competitor Research

Gain an edge over your competitors with our SEO competitor research services for Birmingham companies. We examine the strategies of your top SEO competitors, not just those nearby but also those ranking higher in search results. This analysis helps you uncover opportunities to outshine them, keeping you ahead in the SERP landscape. Understanding the competitive environment in Birmingham allows you to position your business more effectively and attract local customers.

seo agency in birmingham

SEO Keyword Research for Birmingham Businesses

Uncover the most effective keywords for your website with our SEO keyword research tailored for Birmingham businesses. We identify top, niche, longtail, LSI keywords, and low-hanging fruit to ensure your keyword strategy is comprehensive. This helps you target the right terms to attract your ideal audience and achieve higher search engine rankings. Focusing on keywords relevant to Birmingham ensures you capture local search traffic efficiently.

wordpress seo agencies in birmingham

On-page SEO Birminghan

Enhance your website’s individual pages with our on-page SEO services for Birmingham companies. We optimise metadata, including title tags, meta descriptions, and header tags, to ensure your pages are fully optimised for search engines. This improves your rankings and makes your content more accessible and appealing to users in Birmingham.

seo content creation and blogging services in birmingham

Content Creation & Blogging Services

Elevate your website’s content with our content creation and blogging services for Birmingham businesses. We refresh existing pages, create new keyword-targeted pages, and produce engaging blog posts to attract and retain visitors. High-quality content boosts your search rankings and establishes your brand as an authority in your industry in Birmingham.

search engine optimisation agency birmingham

Backlinks Service Birmingham

Bolster your website’s authority with our backlink services for Birmingham companies. We obtain high-quality directory links, PR links, and HARO (Help a Reporter Out) links to enhance your site’s credibility and search engine ranking. Our strategies ensure you secure backlinks from reputable sources relevant to Birmingham.

schema markup service near birmingham

Schema Markup Services

Utilise schema markup to help search engines better understand your content. Our schema markup services for Birmingham companies use advanced coding to improve your chances of appearing in featured snippets and other rich search results. This enhances your visibility and click-through rates.

birmingham seo agency

Technical SEO Service in Birmingham

Optimise your website’s technical performance with our technical SEO services for Birmingham businesses. We address all technical aspects of SEO, including XML sitemaps, redirects, canonical tags, internal linking, 404 error pages, URL structure, and website speed. Our technical SEO solutions ensure your site is optimised for both search engines and users in Birmingham. Learn more >

SEO Migration Services

Ensure a smooth transition during a website redesign with our SEO migration services for Birmingham businesses. We assist in maintaining your SEO performance and avoiding potential pitfalls, whether advising or carrying out the migration. Our process ensures your search engine rankings remain intact and even improve post-migration, catering specifically to Birmingham companies.

whitelabel seo agency in birmingham

Whitelabel SEO for Agencies in Birmingham

Expand your service offerings with our whitelabel SEO for agencies in Birmingham. Our comprehensive SEO solutions enable your agency to deliver top-tier SEO services under your brand. Partnering with us allows your agency to meet the growing demand for SEO without requiring in-house specialists, helping you retain clients and grow your business.

seo structure advice birmingham

Website Structural Advice

Optimise your site’s navigation and structure with our website structural advice for businesses in Birmingham. We help you organise your content to suit both users and search engines, enhancing user experience and improving search rankings. A well-structured site is crucial for effective SEO and user engagement in Birmingham.

wordpress seo service birmingham

WordPress Development

Develop a website with SEO built in from the start using our website development services for companies in Birmingham. By integrating SEO best practices from the beginning, we ensure your site is fully optimised without needing a complex migration later. This approach saves time and resources while maximizing your SEO potential.

Why Choose Us?

We use some of the best SEO software’s and research tools on the market, including SEMrush, Ahrefs, Screaming Frog and Google Search Console.


We're a great match for small to mid sized businesses in Birmingham.


We'll explain the ins and outs, and will help you choose achievable SEO goals.

Budget Friendly

We can create unique SEO Packages for any budget.

+ 3000
Keywords Ranked
+ 0
Pages Indexed
+ 0
Links Built
+ 10000
Website Visitors
Our Results Can Look Like This:
Client Testimonials.
H4 Group
H4 Group

CGI Services

"Very understanding, took the time to understand and develop the brief without rushing in. Rescued a messy changeover from an old website and managed to repair and improve the SEO on the new website. Not an easy task, but the methodical approach paid off."

Barskey Gallery
Barskey Gallery

Art Gallery

“Terrific work and excellent communication, thank you! Don't hesitate to use Curt for your SEO cleanup.”

Teaching Balance
Teaching Balance

Life Coach

"Curt's work on improving my site's SEO was exceptional. Not only did he take care of the "done for you" tweaks to improve SEO, but he also provided a comprehensive overview of next steps I can take to continue to optimize my content going forward."

New Homes Broker
New Homes Broker

Property Agent

"These guys built me an entire brand and website with SEO included, all while working from another timezone Within a month I was already ranking on page 2 of Google for some of my target keywords, and they're still holding strong a year on!"

Get Indexed. Get Discovered.

Join the hundreds of businesses in Birmingham making the most out of Search Engine Optimisation, and start your mission to the top! 🚀